Sunday, August 1, 2010

Back From the UK

I'm starting this blog with the intention of marking an ending and a beginning. This summer's trip to Bath in the UK has ended and I have arrived back in Calgary. I can now begin to consider discussions that I had with my supervisors, as well as to think about new concepts that relate to my art practice.

While in London, I saw some excellent art shows. One that sticks out in my mind at the moment is the Ernesto Neto show at the Hayward Gallery titled "The Edges of the World." Neto is a Brazilian artist who uses recycled materials, such as colorful netting, to create installations that explore spatial concerns while using the interior of the human body as a metaphor
metaphor. The viewer is encouraged to engage with the work using the senses of vision and touch. In addition, Neto weaves fragrant spices into his fabrics, awakening the viewer's sense of smell.
